A Quick Tour Of Italy - Verona

If you are looking for a European tourist destination, consider the Veneto region of northern Italy on the Gulf of Venice. Venice, its best-known city, is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Ecellent tourist attractions abound elsewhere in Veneto, and the crowds are much smaller. This article examines the Shakespearean town of Verona, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read our companion articles on northern Veneto, southern Veneto, and the university city of Padua.

Verona boasts many vestiges from Roman times. Its Roman amphitheatre is the third largest in Italy and its interior is virtually intact. This edifice hosts fairs, theatre, opera and other public events, especially summers. The Roman arch bridge crossing the Adige River was partially destroyed in World War II and rebuilt using original materials.

The Twelfth Century Romanesque Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore sits on a Fourth Century shrine to the city's patron saint, St. Zeno. Its splendid one hundred ten foot bell tower was mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy. The vaulted crypt contains the tomb of St. Zeno and tombs of several other saints.

Verona's largest church is the Fifteenth Century Sant'Anastasia whose interior is an excellent example of Gothic architecture. Items of honor include frescoes and hunchback statues dispensing holy water.

The Fourteenth Century Castelvecchio on the banks of the Adige River probably sits on the site of a Roman fortress. Its art museum specializes in Venetian painters and sculptors. Verona's squares include the Roman Herb Square that still maintains its medieval look and some produce stalls. The Gentlemen's Square is Verona's center of activities. Next door is the Scaglieri Palace, once home to the ruling family.

Don't leave Verona without visiting those star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. The Twelfth Century Casi di Giulietta (Juliet's House) long belonged to the Dal Cappello family and since Cappello sounds like Capulet perhaps... The house at Via Cappello, 23 with its courtyard probably isn't for real, but crowds come to gawk and dream. This could be the place to propose.

Verona's cuisine features typical Po Valley dishes: mixed boiled meats, nervetti (calf's foot and veal shank salad), and risotto, often cooked in Amarone wine. See our companion article I Love Touring Italy - Verona for a sample menu and more information on regional wines plus an in-depth examination of Verona's tourist attractions. Valpolicella DOC is a world famous, often mediocre wine produced north of Verona. It can be transformed into fine wines including Valpolicella Ripasso and Amarone DOC.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian, French, or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. He knows what dieting is, and is glad that for the time being he can eat and drink what he wants, in moderation. His central website is http://www.wineinyourdiet.com devoted to the health and nutritional aspects of wine and its place in your weight-loss program. His global wine website is http://www.theworldwidewine.com. Visit his other websites devoted to Italian wine, Italian travel, and Italian food.

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