Normandy Tours

Ever since the allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy this area of France has had special meaning for a large multitude of men and their families. For a great many it was to become the place in which they died whereas others, who survived WWII look back and remember the loss of friends (and often family) on the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Sadly for many of those who survived the initial push from the beaches they were faced with stronger German opposition than had been expected and many more lost their lives. The Battle of Normandy was one of the world's greatest military clashes and D-Day remains one of the most important dates in the history of the Second World War.

Even today there is a great deal of interest in the Battle of Normandy and many veterans, their children and grandchildren visit the area for a touring vacation. Many people visit the military cemeteries to see if they can find the graves of a fallen friend or family member. With the increasing interest in genealogy there is a growing number of younger people visiting Normandy to see if they can discover the grave of the grandfather or even great grandfather.

For those interested in this period of world history Normandy, France has a number of very interesting sites. It is still possible to see one of the Longues Battery casemates which housed 150-mm guns and protected the beaches from invasion. Other ruins exist in various stages of production such as the uncompleted Mont Fleury Battery, which is basically a breeze block shell. Some local landmarks were damaged by the bombardment, such as the Mont Fleury lighthouse which is closed to the public.

Today Normandy is a thriving holiday area with excellent countryside and gorgeous beaches and there are a number of Normandy guidebooks available to help plan your vacation. One of the most exciting ways in which to enjoy the area is by taking one of the motorcycle tours that are often available. If you are lucky enough to have good weather this is simply the best way in which to travel from one site to another.

If you are unable to take a bike tour of Normandy there are a number of organizations which offer alternatives such as Battlebus who offer Tours of the D-Day beaches and battlefields which are extremely popular with visitors from America. Other companies offer a more personal and bespoke service, often in a small people carrier type vehicle, this type of tour is often more flexible and there is often a choice of tour routes.

If you are planning a vacation in Normandy, France and you are considering booking a hotel in Normandy consider taking a two center vacation such as spending some time in Paris or even travel on to other areas of France. For those traveling from as far away as the U.S.A. such breaks may be the only opportunity to explore Europe. Whatever you decide we hope that you have a wonderful time.

Andrew Kelly writes widely for travel sites with his main interests being Scotland, England and Wales. However, when he stays in hotels in Normandy he uses his experiences in his writing and reviews.

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