Choosing a Nepal Tour Operator

A trip to Nepal is the adventure of a lifetime for many people, but choosing the wrong Nepal Tour Operator can turn an adventure into a misadventure. In Nepal you can quickly be in remote locations miles from help which is decidedly not when you want to find out that you've chosen the wrong tour company.

Life happens. Sometimes it even happens before you arrive in Nepal for your holiday. Some things can't be avoided, illness, family emergencies and natural disasters come easily to mind. When you're faced with any of those situations the last thing you want to have to worry about is the hefty non-refundable deposit you put down for your vacation. Look for a company that doesn't require you to put down a deposit. A few exceptional companies don't even require that you pay any fee until you arrive in Nepal. This gives you the ultimate flexibility, freedom and comfort of mind.

Nepal may be the ultimate destination for trekking, but there is much more to do in this country than trek. Nepal rafting is among the best in the world. It's rivers are fed from the snow packed Himalayas and there are varying degrees of difficulty. In Nepal's lower regions the country offers wildlife safaris that many people completely overlook. In addition to these experiences Nepal culture is amazing and a cultural tour can be eye opening and breath taking. While some tour operators in Nepal just do treks, others offer all of these types of experiences.

Many foreign tour operators in Nepal have no permanent staff based in Nepal. They hire guides and porters on an ad hock basis and arrange your trips from afar. There's always a pool of guides and porters available as the tourism industry is a lucrative one, but when it is your well deserved holiday and your putting your safety in their hands you want to know the guide and porters have a firm loyalty to the company they work for. Truly exceptional tour companies have permanent staff on the ground,pay their guides yearly salaries and provide health insurance and union rates during treks to ensure the highest quality of service. The obvious outcome from this is that guides and porters have a real interest in your holiday experience.

When you're researching Nepal tour operators make sure to find out what type of accommodations they use. In Nepal you can find everything from run down, bug infested accommodations to first class deluxe hotels. You should look for a tour company that has tested the accommodations that they are having you stay in and have found them to be of superior quality. If you want to stay in deluxe hotels, this should be an option your tour operator can arrange.

Food is one of those things that can make or break a trip. A poorly prepared meal can lead to stomach problems or worse. By the same token, eating bland unappealing food, especially if your appetite is already affected by altitude as it can be, can quickly become a real problem. Treks take strength and that requires keeping your nourishment up. If you have special dietary requirements, you absolutely need to find a trekking agency willing to cater to your dietary needs.

Tourism takes a heavy toll on resources and while it brings many good things to developing countries, like Nepal, it also has negative impacts. If ethical travel is important to you ask your tour operator how they minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive. Some tour companies have designed into their business a plan for giving back to the locals. If this kind of thing is important to you vote with your money.

Don't be shy to probe your company on any of these points. It's your holiday, it's your money and whether you have an adventure or a misadventure has everything to do with the questions you ask upfront.

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