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A Quick Tour Of Italy - Verona

If you are looking for a European tourist destination, consider the Veneto region of northern Italy on the Gulf of Venice. Venice, its best-known city, is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Ecellent tourist attractions abound elsewhere in Veneto, and the crowds are much smaller. This article examines the Shakespearean town of Verona, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read our companion articles on northern Veneto, southern Veneto, and the university city of Padua.

Verona boasts many vestiges from Roman times. Its Roman amphitheatre is the third largest in Italy and its interior is virtually intact. This edifice hosts fairs, theatre, opera and other public events, especially summers. The Roman arch bridge crossing the Adige River was partially destroyed in World War II and rebuilt using original materials.

The Twelfth Century Romanesque Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore sits on a Fourth Century shrine to the city's patron saint, St. Zeno. Its splendid one hundred ten foot bell tower was mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy. The vaulted crypt contains the tomb of St. Zeno and tombs of several other saints.

Verona's largest church is the Fifteenth Century Sant'Anastasia whose interior is an excellent example of Gothic architecture. Items of honor include frescoes and hunchback statues dispensing holy water.

The Fourteenth Century Castelvecchio on the banks of the Adige River probably sits on the site of a Roman fortress. Its art museum specializes in Venetian painters and sculptors. Verona's squares include the Roman Herb Square that still maintains its medieval look and some produce stalls. The Gentlemen's Square is Verona's center of activities. Next door is the Scaglieri Palace, once home to the ruling family.

Don't leave Verona without visiting those star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. The Twelfth Century Casi di Giulietta (Juliet's House) long belonged to the Dal Cappello family and since Cappello sounds like Capulet perhaps... The house at Via Cappello, 23 with its courtyard probably isn't for real, but crowds come to gawk and dream. This could be the place to propose.

Verona's cuisine features typical Po Valley dishes: mixed boiled meats, nervetti (calf's foot and veal shank salad), and risotto, often cooked in Amarone wine. See our companion article I Love Touring Italy - Verona for a sample menu and more information on regional wines plus an in-depth examination of Verona's tourist attractions. Valpolicella DOC is a world famous, often mediocre wine produced north of Verona. It can be transformed into fine wines including Valpolicella Ripasso and Amarone DOC.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian, French, or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. He knows what dieting is, and is glad that for the time being he can eat and drink what he wants, in moderation. His central website is devoted to the health and nutritional aspects of wine and its place in your weight-loss program. His global wine website is Visit his other websites devoted to Italian wine, Italian travel, and Italian food.

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Normandy Tours

Ever since the allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy this area of France has had special meaning for a large multitude of men and their families. For a great many it was to become the place in which they died whereas others, who survived WWII look back and remember the loss of friends (and often family) on the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Sadly for many of those who survived the initial push from the beaches they were faced with stronger German opposition than had been expected and many more lost their lives. The Battle of Normandy was one of the world's greatest military clashes and D-Day remains one of the most important dates in the history of the Second World War.

Even today there is a great deal of interest in the Battle of Normandy and many veterans, their children and grandchildren visit the area for a touring vacation. Many people visit the military cemeteries to see if they can find the graves of a fallen friend or family member. With the increasing interest in genealogy there is a growing number of younger people visiting Normandy to see if they can discover the grave of the grandfather or even great grandfather.

For those interested in this period of world history Normandy, France has a number of very interesting sites. It is still possible to see one of the Longues Battery casemates which housed 150-mm guns and protected the beaches from invasion. Other ruins exist in various stages of production such as the uncompleted Mont Fleury Battery, which is basically a breeze block shell. Some local landmarks were damaged by the bombardment, such as the Mont Fleury lighthouse which is closed to the public.

Today Normandy is a thriving holiday area with excellent countryside and gorgeous beaches and there are a number of Normandy guidebooks available to help plan your vacation. One of the most exciting ways in which to enjoy the area is by taking one of the motorcycle tours that are often available. If you are lucky enough to have good weather this is simply the best way in which to travel from one site to another.

If you are unable to take a bike tour of Normandy there are a number of organizations which offer alternatives such as Battlebus who offer Tours of the D-Day beaches and battlefields which are extremely popular with visitors from America. Other companies offer a more personal and bespoke service, often in a small people carrier type vehicle, this type of tour is often more flexible and there is often a choice of tour routes.

If you are planning a vacation in Normandy, France and you are considering booking a hotel in Normandy consider taking a two center vacation such as spending some time in Paris or even travel on to other areas of France. For those traveling from as far away as the U.S.A. such breaks may be the only opportunity to explore Europe. Whatever you decide we hope that you have a wonderful time.

Andrew Kelly writes widely for travel sites with his main interests being Scotland, England and Wales. However, when he stays in hotels in Normandy he uses his experiences in his writing and reviews.

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Maui: Hawaii's Valley Isle

At 728 square miles, Maui is the second largest island in the Hawaiian chain, and is actually formed from two separate volcanic eruptions. The first volcano became the West Maui Mountains and has been extinct for over a million years. The other, Haleakala, is considered by experts to be dormant. Lava flows and natural erosion on the land eventually formed an isthmus, or bridge, connecting the two land masses that is now Central Maui, hence the nickname “Valley Isle”.
Maui was originally settled by Polynesian voyagers traveling from Tahiti and the Marquesas, who braved the seas in outrigger canoes with only the stars and the birds for navigation. These new settlers became farmers and fishermen and built new lives, including places of worship (Heiau), fishponds and even used aqueduct irrigation systems to water their taro farms (Lo’i). While we are uncertain exactly when these first brave souls touched ground, archaeological evidence has been dated at A.D. 700 and earlier.

In 1778, Captain James Cook set sail from the waters of Tahiti on a fateful journey that led to the “discovery” of the small group of islands Cook would later name the Sandwich Islands. Almost overnight, the lives of the natives were transformed as subsequent explorers brought with them diseases the islanders had never been exposed to, wreaking havoc on the local population. These new arrivals also brought something else the islanders had not yet been exposed to, cannons and guns. While there had previously been battle between the islands, this created a very new way to fight, indeed. In 1790, King Kamehameha began using these new weapons and would eventually become the first leader to unite all of the islands under one rule.
Lahaina, Whalers & Missionaries

Kamehameha’s one-time Capitol of Hawaii, the historic port of Lahaina has quite a colorful past! In the early 1800’s, as the first whaling ships found their way to Maui’s shores, sailors found an idyllic paradise, exotic women, intoxicating spirits and tropical breezes. Lahaina would eventually replace Honolulu Harbor as the favorite resting place for the whalers, playing host to more than 500 visiting whaling ships annually.

The sailor’s free-spirited life-style was soon to be challenged with the arrival of the first Missionaries in 1823. These new visitors to the island brought about great change in social morays and were able to effect missionary taboos on “womanising” and public drunkenness, keeping them at constant odds with the sailors.

Today, Lahaiana Harbor plays host to a number of cruise ships, yachts, sailboats and even a passenger submarine. The old buildings are occupied by oceanfront shops and restaurants and the rich history is kept alive with guided and self-guided walking tours, photographs and a surprising number of historic homes, churches, museums, original courthouse and prison. Lahaina is also the home of the Maui Myth & Magic theatre and their original production “Ulalena”.

Nature & Eco-Tourism

The natural beauty of Maui’s rainforest areas, volcanic craters and waterfalls have more recently made the island a popular destination for the eco-tourist. The Eastern shores of Hana and the slopes of Haleakala offer challenging hiking, cascading waterfalls & pools and a host of native and non-native flora and fauna while the lava flows of South and West shores offer stark landscapes and panoramic views that are stunning settings for hiking, kayaking and horseback riding.

A number of ranches, hiking companies and local guide services make the dream of really exploring the island an easy reality for almost every skill level. There are also a number of well-written guidebooks that can assist the budget traveler or those who prefer to “go it alone”.

Beaches & Leisure

Second only to Oahu as a visitor destination, Maui has had the distinction of being voted "Best Island in the World" the readers of both Condé Nast Traveller and Travel and Leisure magazines for 10 years in a row. Surrounded by over 120 miles of coastline, warm Pacific waters and some of the most sought after beaches in the world, this is a water enthusiasts’ dream come true.

Visitors to the island are able to enjoy a wide array of leisure activities, including snorkeling from the beach, boating tours from Lahaina, Maalaea and Kihei harbors, jet skiing, para-sailing and seasonal Humpback Whale watching. The monster waves of Jaws and perfect conditions at Hookipa Beach have made Maui’s North Shore a Mecca for surfers and windsurfers the world over, creating an awesome spectacle for those who prefer to stay on the beach and watch.

Maui’s Top Visitor Attractions:

Molokini Crater & Marine Preserve

Heavenly Hana Town

Haleakala Crater & National Park


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Galapagos Islands Travel Guide - A Convenient Replacement to Galapagos Islands Tours

For nature lovers the world over, Galapagos Islands vacations are the most sought after of adventures, an isolated environment that has been so removed from the rest of the world that evolution has taken many bizarre, unique turns.

These days getting to the islands can be convenient and luxurious aboard the numerous Galapagos Islands tours on offer, but for vacationers without enough time for a cruise to this distant world, a handy replacement is available that makes an easy detour during most Peru vacations.

Despite being tiny in comparison to the Galapagos Islands, the Islas Bellestas off the southern Peruvian coast make a perfect one day excursion from the town of Pisco, not far from the hub city of Ica.

Short excursions can be booked in Pisco, but longer trips with a professional guide are available from Peru vacation packages providers. Reaching the islands takes 1.5 hours by boat, followed by around 60 minutes touring the islands themselves.

Due to environmental regulations, setting foot on the islands is not allowed but your captain will be able to get your boat close enough for excellent views of the enormous collection of animals who have set up camp on the Islas Ballestas.

There are year-round views of huge sea lion colonies, along with a variety of marine bird species including cormorants, penguins and pelicans, as well as pink flamingos if you time your trip with the summer season.

These vast bird colonies have indirectly blessed the islands with a bizarre history. With their droppings being a rich fertilizer and a valuable export, wars between their mainland neighbors were once fought for control over the islands. Fortunately, the islands and their inhabitants are now conserved and no longer suffer such disturbances.

After your circuit of the islands you may get a glimpse of the other species that live in this rich environment, such as the dolphins that inhabit the straits. You'll also have a great view of the enormous petroglyph drawn onto the hills ahead, called the candelabra, which is believed to share a similar origin of the fascinating nearby Nazca Lines.

Things To Consider For A Islas Ballestas Excursion:
- To guarantee the quality and professionalism of your guide, reserve your tour ahead through a provider of Peru vacation packages,
- Protect yourselves from the sun and rain and wear a hat to protect your head from the sun and the large volume of bird droppings!
- Bring binoculars to get the best view of the islands' inhabitants,
- Bring medication for anyone prone to motion sickness - the waters around the islands can become quite rough.

This guide on alternatives to Galapagos Islands tours was written by a travel-loving expert at Peru For Less, a member of the Latin America For Less family. Latin America For Less, a US travel agency established in 1998, offers a complete South America vacation service to destinations across Latin America, including Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia.

The company is unique in its ability to offer a price match guarantee as well as the highest standards in quality and customer service. Fully customized itineraries coupled with personal and friendly service are the hallmarks of a Latin America For Less vacation.

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Choosing a Nepal Tour Operator

A trip to Nepal is the adventure of a lifetime for many people, but choosing the wrong Nepal Tour Operator can turn an adventure into a misadventure. In Nepal you can quickly be in remote locations miles from help which is decidedly not when you want to find out that you've chosen the wrong tour company.

Life happens. Sometimes it even happens before you arrive in Nepal for your holiday. Some things can't be avoided, illness, family emergencies and natural disasters come easily to mind. When you're faced with any of those situations the last thing you want to have to worry about is the hefty non-refundable deposit you put down for your vacation. Look for a company that doesn't require you to put down a deposit. A few exceptional companies don't even require that you pay any fee until you arrive in Nepal. This gives you the ultimate flexibility, freedom and comfort of mind.

Nepal may be the ultimate destination for trekking, but there is much more to do in this country than trek. Nepal rafting is among the best in the world. It's rivers are fed from the snow packed Himalayas and there are varying degrees of difficulty. In Nepal's lower regions the country offers wildlife safaris that many people completely overlook. In addition to these experiences Nepal culture is amazing and a cultural tour can be eye opening and breath taking. While some tour operators in Nepal just do treks, others offer all of these types of experiences.

Many foreign tour operators in Nepal have no permanent staff based in Nepal. They hire guides and porters on an ad hock basis and arrange your trips from afar. There's always a pool of guides and porters available as the tourism industry is a lucrative one, but when it is your well deserved holiday and your putting your safety in their hands you want to know the guide and porters have a firm loyalty to the company they work for. Truly exceptional tour companies have permanent staff on the ground,pay their guides yearly salaries and provide health insurance and union rates during treks to ensure the highest quality of service. The obvious outcome from this is that guides and porters have a real interest in your holiday experience.

When you're researching Nepal tour operators make sure to find out what type of accommodations they use. In Nepal you can find everything from run down, bug infested accommodations to first class deluxe hotels. You should look for a tour company that has tested the accommodations that they are having you stay in and have found them to be of superior quality. If you want to stay in deluxe hotels, this should be an option your tour operator can arrange.

Food is one of those things that can make or break a trip. A poorly prepared meal can lead to stomach problems or worse. By the same token, eating bland unappealing food, especially if your appetite is already affected by altitude as it can be, can quickly become a real problem. Treks take strength and that requires keeping your nourishment up. If you have special dietary requirements, you absolutely need to find a trekking agency willing to cater to your dietary needs.

Tourism takes a heavy toll on resources and while it brings many good things to developing countries, like Nepal, it also has negative impacts. If ethical travel is important to you ask your tour operator how they minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive. Some tour companies have designed into their business a plan for giving back to the locals. If this kind of thing is important to you vote with your money.

Don't be shy to probe your company on any of these points. It's your holiday, it's your money and whether you have an adventure or a misadventure has everything to do with the questions you ask upfront.

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China Travel Agencies

Owing to the sheer size and diversified environment of China, it is not possible for an international traveller to truly experience its myriad of treasures like Yangtze River, the Great Wall of China, pastoral villages dotting the country, and some of the most magnificent art and architecture in the world, without the services of a good travel agency.

Travel agencies across China are moving beyond the traditional elements of a holiday, like Beijing, Great Wall, Yangtze cruise and the Terracotta Army. The inclination is now towards more variety; and there is a demand among international travellers for the traditional China experience. Regions such as Yunnan in the southwest, with its stone forest, are now regularly found in travel agency pamphlets. Unfamiliar regions such as Shaxi, west of Beijing, or Shadong, to the east, are being promoted. Gauging travellers’ interest in China’s historical sites, China Highlights Travel has introduced an “18 Days of China Historical Tour.”

An increasing number of travel agencies are offering customized packages based on travellers’ individual interests and budget. For example, China Tour Service offers tailored tours like the Yangtze River Cruise, Tibetan Adventure, Silk Road Tours, Shangri-La China Travel, and World Heritages Tours. China Highlights Travel provides Yangtze River Cruises in a choice of over 40 ships including deluxe Victoria Cruises, the 5-star luxury East Queen, the smaller, yet comfortable, Princess Sissi, and budget ferries that natives take as daily transport vessels.

China Custom Tours, with associates in China and the United States, offers special-interest tours. The travel agency concentrates on popular places as well as off-the beaten-path locations. They arrange package tours and travel arrangements for individuals, groups, business leaders, and professional and educational communities, and they supplement their programs with international air arrangements, visa processing, and a travel protection plan.

Whether travel interests range from travel by bicycle to remote villages or a shopping marathon in metropolises, eating Western or “clashing with chopsticks,” a leisurely cruise or sightseeing, it pays to spend some time in choosing a good travel agency.

China Travel provides detailed information on China Travel, China Business Travel, China Travel Services, China Travel Agencies and more. China Travel is affiliated with China Guided Tours.

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Tour India: Famous Places in India

India is probably the only country that offers various types of tourism such as history tourism, adventure tourism, medical tourism, spiritual tourism, beach tourism etc.

Being an ancient country, India is a country of monuments. All in all these monuments are the destination of the traveler to India. These monuments bring the true colors of India.
The country offers an amazing range of adventure opportunities such as:

• Tracking, a perfect and balanced exercise for limbs, sheds excess body fat, keeps you agile and leaves you fitter than ever before by a trekking tour.

• The white water rafting on the Ganga

• Indus or Teesta to heli-skiing in the high Himalayas

• Hang-gliding and ballooning over the Indian plains to camel-safaris in the vast Thar Desert of Rajasthan;

• Chasing the elusive tiger on the backs of mighty elephants to trekking in the Himalayan ranges

Being an ancient country, India is a country of monuments. All in all these monuments are the destination of the traveler to India. These monuments bring the true colors of India.

These are just a few of the many options available to the traveler looking for a little more adventure. Keep your eyes and mind open to have new joys and you will be pleased with sweet memories.

Author is ardent traveller whose motto in life travelling

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