Sziget bout 2010 niels en collin allotment 1.2

The Epic Adventure Chronicles of Collin and Niels These are going to be the tales of two boys. Who, according to their age, should be called men. But for the sake of truth, we won't. These two boys are going to embark on an epic quest for enlightment. They will face death, fear and probably much of it. The quest objective for the boys is to travel to the temporary spiritually enlightened spark on this world we call "Earth". Sziget Festival 2010. But, as you know, this terribly hard feat is indeed, not terribly hard at all. Busses, cars, planes and underground travel worms make this journey quite easy and comfortable. But of course, this is only done by the weak. And that's why these boys have chosen to hitchhike and walk to their destination. They will take two weeks to travel from Amsterdam to Budapest. And they will stop for nothing! Absolutely nothing! Except for filming, beer, culture, and naked things. Because everybody loves naked things. Will these heroes make it in time to have their spiritual enlightment in the warm basking sun of the Sziget Festival? Or will they fail, and be eaten by hobo's in a trainwagon? Let's find out... At around every three days a new episode will be posted on the site starting from the 24th of July. Follow this life journal to Sziget Festival to get in the right state of mind!

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