A Quick Tour Of Italy - The Trentino Subregion

If you are looking for a European tourist destination, consider the Trentino-Alto Adige region of northern Italy on the border of both Switzerland and Austria. Among its tourist attractions are the Dolomite Mountains, glacier lakes, and Alpine forests. This article presents the southern section of Trentino; a companion article presents Alto Adige.

The medieval city of Rovereto, population about 35 thousand, has had its share of warfare. In 1796 Napoleon won a bloody battle against Austria. In World War I Italian and Austrian troops fought a bloody, inconclusive battle. The Italian Historical War Museum was founded after World War I to commemorate the war and to prevent future wars. Located in a medieval castle, it is perhaps the world's largest anti-war museum.

Trento, population about one hundred thousand if you add in the suburbs, is Trentino's major city. It hosted the Council of Trent stretching from 1545 to 1563 that marked the beginning of the Counter-Reformation. The Duomo (Cathedral of San Virgilio) is a Twelfth-Thirteenth Century Romanesque-Gothic structure built over a Sixth Century Church dedicated to the city's patron saint, San Virgilio. The Sixteenth Century Renaissance Santa Maria Maggiore Church hosted many sessions of the Council of Trent. The Castle of Good Counsel started in the Thirteenth Century next to the city walls. This castle includes the Provincial Art Museum.

Madonna di Campiglio advertises itself as Italy's number one ski resort. The clientele is mostly Italian and the slopes tend to be intermediate, but there are slopes for beginners and experts as well. You can go to the city center and back without ever removing your skis. For a change of pace, visit the nearby Adamello-Brenta Natural Park encompassing 450 kilometers (300 miles) of mountain paths.

Trentino cuisine takes on an Alpine accent and includes plenty of butter, cheese, game, and wild mushrooms, dozens of which can be found in local markets. The nearly three hundred lakes and rivers furnish plenty of fish. See our companion article I Love Touring Italy - The Trentino Subregion for a sample menu and more information on Trentino wines plus an in-depth examination of its tourist attractions. The most recent Trento-Alto Adige wine that I tasted was a Vino Novello (New Wine) not typical of Trento-Alto Adige wine but typical of Vino Novello wine. The less said the better. There actually is a wine called Pinot Grigio Trentino Concilio (Pinot Gris Council of Trent) but I haven't tasted it.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian, French, or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. He knows what dieting is, and is glad that for the time being he can eat and drink what he wants, in moderation. His central website is http://www.wineinyourdiet.com devoted to the health and nutritional aspects of wine and its place in your weight-loss program. His global wine website is http://www.theworldwidewine.com. Visit his other websites devoted to Italian wine, Italian travel, and Italian food.

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